Saturday, April 30, 2011

I'm not really a waitress

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Some of you are confused by this title... "huh?  What does she mean she's not a waitress?  We never thought she was!"  Others of you are thinking "Ooooh, I LOVE that colour!!!" 

You see, I'm not Really a Waitress is my favorite OPI nail colour and today I "did my toes" for the first time this year...a sure sign that Spring is here! I love it when it's time for my toes to come out and play...they so hate winter hibernation ;-)

I know I've been somewhat absent in the blogosphere this week.  It's been a rough week - not going to go into details here, but it'll all work out.  I stayed on track food-wise and exercised semi regularly, although not as much as the week before (6 in a row, ending with a 12 K walk).  I was disappointed with my loss this week of 0.9 pounds - especially given my zero pound loss last week (and the fact that I had about 10 pounds of hair cut off last night!!  photo to come later maybe).  This morning at WW, our leader suggested mixing things up a bit meal-wise.  I tend to eat the same thing for breakfast every day, rain or shine (mostly rain this week) - peanut butter and banana (or if I'm feeling wild and crazy, apple) oatmeal.  I love it, it's easy and it's healthy...not to mention, it's only 5 points+!  She did make a good point though - I've always used minimal points for breakfast and maximum points for supper.  I'm going to try switching this around a bit and see what happens.  She said that if you leave a lot of points for the end of the day, you WILL be hungry at the end of the day...I guess I never thought of it like this before.  I am also considering another week (work-week only) of no sugary snacks.  I always manage to fit sugary snacks into my points, but I think sometimes I overdo it...Today will be a planning day for me for the week - plan new breakfast ideas (maybe a make-ahead recipe to cover a few days), plan non-sugary snacks, mix up my breakfast/supper point allotment.  I also need to do some coupon-searching for my US shopping trip the weekend after next - anyone have any suggestions of good coupon sites?  Printable coupons are not as big here in Canada as they are in the US, so I'm somewhat of a newbie at this couponing thing.  My friend that I'm going with is also looking for coupons for us.  We found free Arby's sandwich coupons...I suggested we try to find coupons to cover our meals for the entire trip (we're only in the US for 2 nights). 

Before I do any of this, I think I must clean my apartment and get some laundry done.

Happy Saturday everyone!


DLandHFX said...

Mmmm... are those Arby's coupons good here? or just in the US?

Tanya said...

I'm not sure Deano...I had to enter the zip code of where I "lived" so I entered one for Bangor because that's where we are going...try going to the Canadian site and see if you can sign up (that's how I got my coupon).