Sunday, December 5, 2010


Pin It So I got up this morning to discover that e-tools has not been updated yet (that's what I thought, but my leader insisted that it would be last night not tonight...) and so off to WW I go - planning to buy the kit on sale (before they run out) and sit in on the meeting - afterall, I pay for the monthly plan and have unlimited meetings, right?  Um, there's a catch here folks...nobody ever told me that there is a rule - you HAVE to weigh in at the FIRST meeting you attend in a week and then you can attend as many as you like without weighing in!  Have you ever heard of such a crock??  I refused to weigh in and she told me I could not stay.  Apparently this lady was the boss-lady, so my regular receptionist could do nothing about it.  10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...ok, calmer now.  I came home and read the terms and conditions like a good little girl - perhaps I was wrong...maybe I'd missed something...nope, can't find her little rule anywhere in this document!  So, I emailed head office...stay tuned folks, I'm not done with this - it's the principle of the matter now - I am paid up until December 20th - they've got my money!!  Ok, I'm calm now.

After church I headed to Sobeys to pick up a few groceries for supper (the folks are coming) and I wanted to make a Potato Cauliflower, nope, no cauliflower in the store at all!  None frozen, none fresh, none in those neat little lazy microwave bags!  Are you kidding me?  Is there a cauliflower shortage I'm not aware of??  Ok, thankfully I think I have enough here at my place to make the recipe...we'll see - none of us has ever tried this recipe before...might as well use the folks as my test subjects!

I cooked, I cleaned and then I decided to decorate my tree and (somewhat) my below.  Don't laugh at my tree - it is 4.5' tall and has one string of lights on it...and mostly dollar store ornaments, plus a couple of handmade ones (thanks to Tina, Kayleigh and Kamryn!).  Have I ever mentioned that I hate decorating my tree?  I love it once it's up and done, but seriously hate the process. 

OK, much more love coming tomorrow - no counting, no grrrr-ing, no raging.  Tomorrow will be a good day....I'm off to try to make that cauliflower potato thing...wish me luck!


Ragemichelle said...

It's like Rosanne Rosanna Danna says..If it's not one thing, it's another. :)

I hate days like that. Good luck with the cauliflower potato thing. And kick those WW people in the ass! That's not right!

Tanya said...

lol, Thanks!