Saturday, January 7, 2012

I might be famous one day...

Pin It Well, not really...but I did participate in a Zumba video recording today that will be posted on Youtube!  My Zumba instructor, Cynthia did a recording today and invited some of us regulars to participate.  I was nervous at first, but figured what the heck!?  I've stepped so far out of my comfort zone these past few months, why perform for a video to top it all off :)  I'm not sure when the video will be up, but I'll post the link when it is.  I had SO much fun!  We have a great group that attends the Tues/Thurs Zumba class on a regular basis.  Our next adventure is a 2 hour Zumbathon in February...a two hour Zumba class might kill me, but at least I'll die dancing/smiling :)  Thanks Cynthia!!

That's all for today - nothing earth shattering to report on the WW front...down 0.5 pounds and 4.9 pounds to go til goal. 

Happy weekend everyone!

PS - here's a pic of me in my new t-shirt I bought for today's video recording (I figured the size XL Old Navy t-shirts I usually wear would not be ideal ;-) Had to take the shot in the bathroom mirror...sorry!


Shondi said...

Looking good, Tanya! Can't wait to see you in action!