Saturday, June 18, 2011

Ask Tanya

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I have to admit, I love when people ask me about my journey.  I've realized lately that some people are somewhat hesitant to ask me questions about my weight loss - some think it may be too personal to ask questions.  I am here to tell you that I don't mind questions at all!  Some questions might be too personal to answer here in a blog setting, but never hesitate to ask! 

Here is a brief rundown on my journey so far:

Start date:  October 3, 2009 (yes, almost 2 years ago!)
Total weight lost to date:  108.8 pounds (average of 1.2 pounds per week)
Starting pant/dress/top size: 24/26/3X
Current pant/dress/top size: 11/12/ medium or large (depending on the store)
Do I track my calories/food:  yes (points+), strictly
Do I weigh/measure my food: yes (I'm a bit lax with measuring peanut butter for some reason though...I think it's because it's hard to get out of a tablespoon!!)
What program do I follow:  Weight Watchers - started with the Momentum Plan and am now using the new Points Plus program
Do you attend meetings:  Yes, if I am in town, I attend a Saturday morning WW meeting - I've even gone to meetings out of town while traveling (have even scouted out meetings in the UK for my trip in the Fall).
Do I have a support system:  Like none have no idea!
Do I exercise:  Yes - I didn't in the beginning, but have been fairly regular for the past's still not something I love.  I'm OK with cardio, but HATE strength training.

So that's all I can think of  with respect to questions.  Do you have any questions for me?

With respect to my week... I was down 0.7 pounds.  Disappointing given my gain of 1.8 pounds last week, but onward and upward as they say.  My leader suggested I eat 10 points per day of PURE protein (chicken, fish, eggs, etc.) and that I give the eating 49 points another week and see how it goes.  Tonight for supper I am have a 9.5 oz chicken breast!!!!!  That's gonna be more like a turkey breast!  Here goes...

I'm off to run in the rain tonight.  I was convinced the rain was done - I've been searching for a rain coat I could wear walking/running for months now and finally found one today...I figured Murphy's Law would dictate that the rain would stop now that I'd found a rain coat!!

Happy Saturday everyone.


Tanya said...

Here is a comment from my friend Sara (left on my Facebook wall):

I have a question, actually. I'm sure like most of us you've tried and tried several times before this time actually worked for you. What gave you the push initially to get started and what helped you stick to it?

Tanya said...

Well.... my "Come to Weight Watchers" moment is here:

As for what helps me stick to it... I think that first and foremost I found a Weight Watchers meeting that suits me. I'd always said that I would never go to a Sat AM meeting 'cause I'm not a morning person... but, I was always awake early, early on the weekends anyways, so I decided to give that 9:45 meeting a try and LOVED it. Fantastic leader, fantastic group (90-100 people) - seeing all of the "free lifetime members" there was super encouraging too. The support from family and friends (like you!) has been a tremendous help too. Even my co-workers are my cheerleaders! I've also realized that this is a lifestyle change and not a diet, so I will be eating these healthy foods and working out forever - I think it helps to not look for that light at the end of the tunnel...that only frustrated me in the I realize this is my new way of living :-)

Unknown said...

Love that you are open to questions! Congrats on the weight loss! Hope the new eating plan works for you! That sounds like a lot of protein. :) You can so this!! Great job!

Anonymous said...

Our WW leaders must be in sync...mine told me to add more pure, lean protein this week, too! I have a question - is your mental self lagging behind your physical self in regards to weight loss? For me, I still 'see' myself as large when I look in the mirror. When I buy clothes, I overestimate on size even if I've tried them on. Just this week I bought new pants, got them home, and Mr. Pea said "Hey! Those are way too baggy!". I had to make a second trip to exchange for a smaller size. How long until my inner size matches my outer size?

Denise said...

I think it's amazing that you have stuck with your plan for years, I can't even go a few months sometimes, and I don't even need to lose!! What I do need is a consistent healthy life style, which is always my goal.
Congrats on your loss.

Tanya said...

Angela, I totally understand where you are coming mind hasn't caught up yet either. It's starting to... at least I think so!

Denise - I've done this so many times in the past and never stuck to it...this time, for some reason, it just clicked...

Thanks everyone :-)

Debbi Does Dinner Healthy said...

Onward and upward! Just not upward on the scale, right? :-)

That is a big piece of chicken. I hope this plan works for you! Can't wait to see the scale next week!

Tanya said...

Haha, that's right Debbi!! You're right, that was one HUGE piece of chicken. I ate half at suppertime and then the other half after my run. Today I planned a bit better and had eggs for breakfast, so my piece of chicken tonight will be much smaller :-)

40404t said...

Wow! What an inspiration! Good for you.

My question is how many plateaus did you have along the way and how long did they last? I can lose the first thirty pounds and then I hit a plateau and I put back on thirty, plus ten for good measure.

Tanya said...

Thanks Sarah! I have to admit that while I struggle with some ups and downs, but have been fortunate enough to not have a real plateau. That being said, in the past three months I have only lost 6.9 pounds...I guess some would see that as a plateau. Overall, I am averaging 1.2 pounds per week, which my doctor, WW leader and trainer are very happy with... me, on the other hand, was hoping for a faster rate of loss! Good luck with your journey! I think the key is NEVER GIVE UP...and surround yourself with people who support you. Don't let others derail you or get in your way - pay no attention to nay-sayers and people who try to discourage you. Remember that those who mind don't matter...and those who matter don't mind :-)

Candi said...

I am so excited to read your story and your weight loss goals are very similar to mine. My goal is 1 lb a week. I figure it will take me 1-1/2 years to get where I want to be. Can't wait to read what happens next week with the protein. Hope it doesn't constipate happened to me in the beginning of my calorie counting.

Unknown said...

You are doing excellent! Come to weight watchers moment... that's great!

Tanya said...


Candi - thanks for the tip on possible constipation ;-) I'll be sure to take extra measures to try and prevent that!!

Empty Nester said...

I'm with you on the cardio vs strength training. The walking/jogging is great but those weights? Nah. LOL

What an incredible journey you've had and continue to have! Bravo!

Anonymous said...

That's one heck of a supper, but protein is lasting and might be the boost you need if its what is recommended. Good luck this week!

Tanya said...

Thanks EmptyNester and Miss April!!

Michele said...

Thanks for letting us in on more about your journey. A weight loss is still a weight loss, so good. here is to another good week. Michele

Amber said...

I love hearing success stories!! Thank you for sharing.

Sarah said...

thanks for answering, Tanya.

I can see that I just have to want it badly enough to stay on the lower calories, even when I'm not losing. I'm going to try to convince myself of this, this time.

And I agree that weight training is awful. I don't mind the work but I find it so boring.

Tanya said...

Thanks Michele and Amber!

Sarah - I actually had to INCREASE my calories to start losing again... our bodies are a funny thing. I just have to make sure I'm spending my points/calories on wise choices :-)

Good luck with the strength training part... misery loves company!